Oligopeptide-10 Good Peptide Soothing Oligopeptide-10 at a glance Synthetic bio-active peptide composed of 15 amino acids Research shows it could have anti-acne benefits Could also help reduce visible signs of redness A white powder in its raw form Oligopeptide-10 description Oligopeptide-10, also known as granactive oligopeptide-10 (and other names depending on the supplier), is a synthetic bio-active peptide composed of 15 amino acids. Most of the research into oligopeptide-10 has been conducted by the labs that manufacture it; however, there are promising studies showing it can help manage acne-causing bacteria, both on its own and in conjunction with anti-acne superstar exfoliant salicylic acid. Additional research shows oligopeptide-10 can have a positive impact on sensitive skin, helping target and improve factors that lead to visible redness. In its raw form, oligopeptide-10 is a white powder. Recommended usage levels of oligopeptide-10 in cosmetics is 3–5% as part of a blend, meaning the level of peptide is much lower than this since such levels (in parts per million) maintain the desired efficacy. Related ingredients: Peptides