Silybum Marianum Fruit Extract Best Antioxidant Anti-Ageing Dark Spot Fading Soothing Silybum Marianum Fruit Extract description _Silymarin marianum_ is a plant whose many components, primarily a flavanolignan chemical known as silymarin, have pronounced antioxidant and skin-calming ability. Silymarin occurs in milk thistle fruit and seeds, and helps shield skin from the visible effects of UV light exposure (of course, you still need a broad spectrum sunscreen). Silymarin also has research on its role in interrupting pathways in skin that lead to discolourations on skin’s surface, while that and other compounds in milk thistle seem, at least in a lab setting, to have an inhibitory effect on enzymes that degrade collagen. In short, it’s an impressive antioxidant to see in skin care products, particularly those that address environmental stressors. Related ingredients: Silybum Marianum Extract Silybum Marianum Seed Oil